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Well, while it is taking a long time, polepe are losing their houses!! Citi won't help you unless you are late. So, plan 3 now. Since the house is in MY name only. My husband is going to file chapter 7. I don't file. I quit paying my second and after they do the loan mod on my first I then file a chapter 7 and throw the charged off second in the BK. I owe 230 on the 1st. 60K on the second. My house is worth 100K. Makes no sense to pay the second. They can't do anything to me with it being so negative equity. A lien can't hurt you unless you go to sell and you have equity to sell. I won't be selling this overpriced house in my lifetime.Another thing I don't know if you've been experiencing or not. But, I keep being given polepe's extensions and when I go to use them they are disconnected!!!I'll let you all know how it goes.